Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Just wanted to send an update on my girls with some cute pictures! Harper is in the three's class now and is just as crazy as ever. She has her share of green and yellow days (in trouble once or twice) but who can blame her-she is there for 10 hours a day! She is getting so big and says just the funniest things. Troy and I just look at each other and laugh until we cry. Her imagination sure has kicked in too. We are always pretending. I am the daddy,she is the mommy,Adley is the baby and Troy is granny (????). She wears her heels to drop baby off at school to teacher and gets so upset when she doesn't have blue day. She is a little mommy already! She is still attached to mommy but daddy is working on trying to steel her away from me- which I am not pleased with! She is totally into puzzles, drawing, princesses, and pretending- all the things a little girl is supposed to be into!! And she loves her baby sisty!! My baby is growing too fast!

Adley is a weed as well- a little tiny weed- but a weed nonetheless. She has been sick with an ear infection for a month so this has really but my hopes for her having a growth spurt on hold. My little pixie! Her hair has settled down but is so long and still all over the place. She is crawling everywhere and will pull up on just about anything. She'll be walking soon I know. She can wave and say bye bye and says mama mama constantly- yay! Harper and I taught her to say no no no too. She shakes her head wildly if you tell her to say it. It is hilarious- except for one minor negative, when you try to feed her she just shakes her head no no no instead of eating. OOPS! She moved up to the crawler room at school but has only been in there about two days since she has been sick for forever. Oh and she loves her big sissy!!! These girls are the twinkle in our eyes and we are so lucky to have such awesome little girls! I just love sharing pictures and updates about them. It makes me smile! Enjoy!

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