Monday, November 10, 2008

Playdates-whoo hoo!

We have finally gotten into the swing of having play dates with Ellie and Morgan on a somewhat regular basis. They have been having a great time playing together and learning to "share" (yeah right!). We have been to the park, to the aquarium, chic-fil-a, etc. and all with no major meltdowns which I consider success! Harper gets so excited to play with her friends but we have to be very careful when we tell her she'll be seeing Ellie or Morgan because if it falls through- well that's just the end of the world for her! It is awesome to see she actually likes to play with the girls I named her BFF's, even though mommy, Ms. Melissa and Ms. Lane deemed them BFF's whether they liked it or not! Watch out Charleston- here comes trouble in the way of three blond haired, blue eyed, crazy girlies!!

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