Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Day!

Harper actually really got excited to come downstairs and see what Santa brought her. We were very surprised. She took off running when she saw all her loot! She loved her new lady bug tent and plays with her dolls inside of it all the time. The trampoline has also been a big hit and we can only hope that it continues to burn off some of her never ending energy! I think her favorite part was the stocking because it never ended and was filled with her favorite thing- suckers! This year was so fun with her and I know next year will be even more exciting!

Cookie Time!

As a Porter family tradition, we make cookies and decorate them for Santa every year on Chrismas Eve. We let Harper do it for the first time this year and it was so fun- a big sticky mess- but fun! She pretty much just ate the icing and then tried to finger paint with the sugary concoction but she tons of fun! She really only wanted to paint the boom booms (hearts) and the sea horses (yes sea horses) but that was ok. We had zero Christmas cookie cutters so we had to use our play-doh and Halloween cookie cutters. We left sharks, sea horses, hearts, pumpkins, turkeys, boos (ghosts), turtles and penguins for Mr. Santa. Harper was the most excited about leaving them out for Santa with his very own glass of milk (which we spilled all over teh floor).I am sure he enjoyed them just the same though!!! Next year we'll be more prepared!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Trip to WV

This year Harper and her daddy took a road trip back to West Virginia. I was a wreck the entire trip but am so glad they were able to go! I think Harper and her daddy had a good time and they got to meet baby Lincoln for the first time. Harper hung with MeMa and Pap, Gammy and Poppy and aunt Tiffy and uncle John and got to lots of fun stuff. No snow though!! Maybe next time!!

Horse Crazy!

So already we have a horse- crazed little lady! Harper has been riding several times and she absolutely loves it! Her father is petrified of horses so this should make for an interesting hobby of hers if she continues to love them- he won't be able to handle it! My aunt Mary Jim has horses at her house and Harper was able to ride one over Christmas- not a pony but a big huge horse! She was so excited- that's all she would talk about!

Christmas Festivities!

This Christmas season has come and gone so fast I can hardly believe it ever happened! Harper had such a great time and it has made Troy and I look at Christmas in such a different way- it is really like being a kid again. She loved snowmen this year- not so fond of Santa but hopefully that will change next year. We went to the Holiday Lights twice, visited several jump castles,hugged lots of snowman, ate exactly one thousand candy canes, and went to the ever popular MT Pleasant Christmas parade. Next year has a lot to live up to!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Best Present Ever

Aunt Jennie-thank you for giving Harper the only toy that has not lost its luster! Harper has played and played and played some more on her $25 slide you gave her last Christmas!! This picture is a year later on Thanksgiving Day! She knows you gave it to her too! She kept yelling An Denny An Denny- ook a harpa (aunt jenny, look at harper!) the whole time she played on it!! Anyway, she loves that thing! And her An Denny of course!

Dogs fed- check. Now what to do?

Really this is just a cute picture. Harper was so busy making sure No-No (Noah) and Miyah (Miller) were fed that she didn't quite know what to do next! Oh the trials and tribulations of a two year old!

Snapping Beans with E-na

E-na came to our house for Thanksgiving this year and Harper really took to her. She is usually scared of her (as am I) but not this time! They snapped green beans for lunch and Harper even let E-na feed her lunch!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Harp and Ellie

Look at these two girls! We are no longer allowed to mention Ellie's name until right before we see her. If Harper even thinks there is the smallest possibility of seeing Ellie, she gets herself so worked up! Then if it doesn't happen-WATCH OUT EVERYONE! The other evening after dinner in her diaper only, she walked to the front door, put on her "jack" (jacket) and said "Harper go, Harper see Ellie". Then she proceeded to have a complete meltdown at the front door when she realized is WAS NOT going to happen! Anyway, these two girls are attached for life! Good thing I love Ellie's mommy!!


Troy and I had to clean up on Saturday for a party we had on Sunday. Unfortunately this means Harper has to play inside and she gets cabin fever! I decided to show her some of mommy's old Barbie's just to see what she thought. Well, she thought she'd died and gone to heaven for sure! She was immediately into them and has been obsessed with their well-being ever since. She puts the brown headed Barbie (which she named "Mommy baby" by the way!)under a blanket and night-night every day for nap and at night for bedtime. She even reads them books and makes them hug- it is too cute! Our little lady has quite the imagination!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Baby Johnny

Harper is getting ready for her baby brother or sister and has really taken to her big sister duties. Lila used to be her favorite doll but now it is Baby Johnny for sure! Named after her Uncle Johnny (named by harper by the way), Baby Johnny gets royal treatment. Harper changes his diaper, puts desitin on him (or all over him, but whatever), feeds him pizza and cheerios, and Harper "rocky baby johnny" all the time! She sings him Rock-A-bye-Baby and makes him fall- just like the song!! It is so sweet to see! She is going to be such an amazing big sister. We just have to work on throwing down baby Johnny when we are finished playing with him. That may not work with the little one on the way huh?


Harper has come to love having her picture taken and then looking at what it looks like. She will say cheese over and over again for as long as we ask- which is about the only request she'll follow! Then of course the pictures are followed by the "I see, Harper see". So we let her hold the camera to see her beautiful picture all the while holding our breath and praying she doesn't decide to chunk the camera across the room! Maybe she needs a camera of her own!! But anyway, who can resist photographing those big smiley chops!

Harper Jumping

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Jump Fast Mommy and Daddy!

We have been researching so hard to figure out what to get Harp for Christmas this year and came across a toddler trampoline. We thought maybe she would be too small for it, but the last two nights all she wants to do is jump on her bed while holding onto the railing! Last night she ran into her bedroom while we were in ours and started screaming at the top of her lungs- I JUMP FAST MOMMY AND DADDY!!!!- We could hear her bed creaking from across the hall and her little feet bouncing up and down SO FAST!! What was so funny is then she would say every now and then- UH OH I FALL- and then a fast follow-up- I JUMP FAST MOMMY AND DADDY!!!. Needless to say I ordered the trampoline for her and will probably never get her off of it!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I love my daddy!

I just wanted to post a cute of picture of Harper and her daddy playing at the playground in Tennyson. Harper just loves her daddy and no one can get her laughing like he can!!Even in the middle of the night last night when she was screaming for mommy, as soon as I got there she had to know "where daddy?". He is the best daddy ever and Harper is so lucky to have him!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Harper Speaks Spanish!

We were having a nice little family day at the park in Park West one beautiful Sunday afternoon. Troy was trying to figure out the camera, I was trying to make sure Harper didn't fly through the very dangerous climbing ladder while Harper hung on by one hand with ease- you know the usual!! All of a sudden, Harper says to us- UNO, DOS, QUATTRO!!! ( no idea if that was spelled right, I took French). Troy and I were like- wha? huh?did that just happen?! Yes I know she forgot tres but who really cares right?

She continues to do this over and over again and thinks it is hilarious that we think it is so amazing! I tell you- god bless the three D's- Dora, Diego and Daycare!!

Playdates-whoo hoo!

We have finally gotten into the swing of having play dates with Ellie and Morgan on a somewhat regular basis. They have been having a great time playing together and learning to "share" (yeah right!). We have been to the park, to the aquarium, chic-fil-a, etc. and all with no major meltdowns which I consider success! Harper gets so excited to play with her friends but we have to be very careful when we tell her she'll be seeing Ellie or Morgan because if it falls through- well that's just the end of the world for her! It is awesome to see she actually likes to play with the girls I named her BFF's, even though mommy, Ms. Melissa and Ms. Lane deemed them BFF's whether they liked it or not! Watch out Charleston- here comes trouble in the way of three blond haired, blue eyed, crazy girlies!!


This year Harper got to wear her costume about six times! She went to her Emamma and Poppa's house for a Halloween party and to the Pumpkin Patch. Then she wore her costume to school on Halloween Day. We also went to Fish or Treat at the Aquarium with the McPherson's and the Funke's came over to trick or treat. They were all low key, sugar-filled events! Harper, Morgan and Ellie were so cute this year in their costumes! We have so much left over candy but it works well for bribery! Yes Harp- you can have an ootsie oll (tootsie roll) or sucker but you have to clean up, eat a green bean,or whatever....first. I think we are digging ourselves into a bribery hole! It was such a fun Halloween.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Loving Two

I walk along holding your 2-year-old hand, basking in the glow of our magical relationship.
Suddenly I feel a kick from within, as if to remind me that our time alone is limited.
And I wonder, how could I love another child as I love you?

Then she is born, and I watch you.I watch as the pain you feel at having to share me as you have never shared me before.
I hear you telling me in your own way, "Please love only me" and I hear myself telling you in mine "I can't".
Knowing in fact that I never can again.You cry, I cry with you.I almost see our baby as an intruder on the precious relationship we once shared.
A relationship we can never have again.

But then, barely noticing, I find myself attached to that new being, and feeling almost guilty.I'm afraid to let you see me enjoying her -- as though I am betraying you.
But then I notice your resentment change, first to curiosity, then to protectiveness, finally to genuine affection.

More days pass, and we are settling into a new routine.The memory of days with just the two of us is fading fast.
But something is replacing those wonderful times we shared, just us two.There are new times -- only now we are three.
I watch the love between you grow, the way you look at each other, touch each other.I watch how she adores you, as I have for so long.
I see how excited you are by each of her new accomplishments.

I begin to realize that I haven't taken something from you, I've given something to you.
I notice that I am no longer afraid to share my love openly with both of you.
I find that my love for each of you is as different as you are, but equally strong.And my question is finally answered to my amazement.

Yes, I can love another child as much as I love you, only differently.
And although I realize that you may have to share my time, I know you'll never share my love.
There's enough of that for both of you -- you each have your own supply.
I love you both and I thank you both for blessing my life.-Author Unknown

Our Life Before the New Baby

Well I lost my other blog so I am going to start fresh and be motivated to actually keep this thing updated! Of course I have all the excuses- lost our camera, when we found the camera my lively two year old broke it, no new pictures, busy at work, blah blah. NO MORE EXCUSES! So for a quick update, my precious daughter is running out of time with just her and her mommy and daddy so we are trying hard to cram memories and special time! I think mommy is having a much harder time than Harper is though! It is hard to leave her to even go outside and leaving her at daycare is tortuous- and it doesn't help she has lately decided mommy is "the one"!! She screams when I leave her to go to the bathroom, only wants mommy to put her to sleep, sit with her, read her books, play with her, etc. Little Harper do you know something is going to change little girl? I think you may! So anyway, life is changing slowly for us over the next few months so I'll post often so we never let her forget- or mommy forget- how special our time is together. SIDE NOTE: PRETTY BAD BUT I AM CRYING AS I WRITE THIS-pregnancy hormones are kicking in!!