Friday, March 11, 2011


We went to the mountains last weekend for some family fun and it rained the entire time! We had a cool little cabin in Hendersonville so it was nice and cozy. We played some games, watched a million movies and slept in a cool loft. It was fun and the girls didn't want to leave!

Harper and Her Heater

Harp is just like her mommy in so many ways but the biggest way we are alike is our need to be warm!! She wakes up in the morning and tells me to pump up the heat and then she takes her seat at her desired spot- the heat vent on the floor!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Beautiful Girls!

I hope my girls always love each other the way they do now! They are the best of friends!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daddy Daughter NIght at Chick-Fil-A

Harper and Adley got to go with daddy to Chick-Fil-A for a V-Day dinner! They got to ride in a limo and go all around the parking lot-fun!!

2nd Bday Pictures

Forgot to add these!! Adley's Family 2nd Birthday. Harper make a big deal about it just being family!! She ws impressed Ad had two birthday parties! She ate about five cupcakes-just the tops of course!

Making My B-day Cake

Adley and Harper love to help me cook. Adley's favorite spot in the house is on the counter. YOu can find her there everyday while I cook lunch for the kiddos!

Ms. Jasmine

We got Adley a Jasmine costume for her b-day and she rocked it! (with harp's pink boots!)