Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Sleepover

Harper had her first sleepover at our house with her two best friends in the whole world-Ellie and Morgan! They both came over for pizza and hot chocolate and to be crazy! Reese got to come over too and play before Ms. Lane and Mr. Ryan took her home-much to her chagrin! They girls had a blast! They played like crazy ladies and watched about five movies, dressed up like all the princesses possible and spread hot chocolate and popcorn all over Harper's room. They all fell asleep in Harper's bed and woke up to doughnuts and orange juice by the fire-what fun!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Adley's 2nd B-day Party

We had a birthday party for Adley on friday at "school" and it was the best decision ever made!! The kids were already here and some friends came my parents came too. The kids jumped on the jump castle (inside) and made arts and crafts. Fun Fun!! Adley wore the same dress that Harper wore for her 2nd Birthday!! FYI- the first picture is Harper at her second b-day!

Francis Marion Park

We took the girls hiking and for a picnic on our beautiful and warm weekend last week and had such a great time! Fresh and warm air is good for everyone!Troy and Adley saw the red wolves and they girls raced down the Palmetto Trail- good for the soul!


We babysat Kaden last week for Erin and Wes to have a date night! They had a fun time with him and watched Elmo and the Incredibles.

Adley and Naomi's Play Date

Last week we had a playdate with Naomi and Adley. We went to the Children's Museum and it was so much fun! They had a blast and it was good for Adley not to have to worry about Big sissie for a little bit. They played everything and did some crafts! Awesome Day! Oh yeah and Adley wore her Cinderella constume all day!

Friday, February 4, 2011