Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jump Castle!

Troy and I got a jump castle for our little school to celebrate the coming of Spring! Becky and her kiddos came over too and then Lane, Ellie, Melissa and Morgan and Miles. It was a fun time! Lots of jumping and laughing. What could be better than that? My mom came to help out too with the little ones that couldn't jump-god bless her!

Soccer Lady

We just started Harp in soccer in the Cainhoy Soccer League. It is the only place nearby that has it for kids so young. She is so cute in her pink soccer cleats and shin guards. They just had their first game and she kicked the ball a few times- huge accomplishment!! We do have to take Skittles for bribery- if you go play without running back to mommy and daddy you get Skittles. Works like a charm! Troy was so excited about her doing a "real sport" but then she before practice last week she said while wearing her soccer uniform-look daddy a plie. For those of you who don't know, that is a ballet move. Troy just died laughing! Can't take the girlie girl out of this child!!!

Bottle Pose

I just am so glad I got this picture so I can look at it and remember. Adley has always held her hair when she drinks a bottle and did it when she nursed. It is so sweet!! One- handed bottle hold! Anyone who has ever seen it in person,knows how cute it is!!

Our Crew

Just some pictures of our school kiddos!! We have so much fun! Why haven't I been doing this all along???

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Can Walk!!

Adley took what seemed like forever to walk! She was working hard on it and then got really sick-then decided to just sit for like a month! Then finally, on one sunny Friday, we were playing on the back patio and she just stood up and walked! She was one year and one week. It seemed like so long because her sissy was 10 1/2 months when she walked- way too early!! Anyway, she is so cute and still walks like frankenstein.
agh-so cute!